Northcrest East Development

Development within land lots 292 continued into late 1966 with the planning of the Northcrest East subdivision, centered along Valley Bluff and Lynnray Drive in the easternmost part of the district.  Hardrath’s Peach State Development Company was responsible for this subdivision, and planned for development in land lots 291 and 292 along Valleybluff Drive and Lynnray Drive--the latter of which was named after Paul Edward’s two children, Lynn and Ray. This subdivision contained the same restrictive covenants as that of Northcrest, namely mandating single-family residences and prohibiting temporary housing.  Valleybluff and Lynnray were each 60’ wide, and were flanked by lots ranging from 80’ to 120’ wide and 170’ to 240’ deep.   Northcrest East offered Colonials and Contemporary Tri-Levels ranging from $26,750 to $31,500 for homes with a basement and two fireplaces.  They also offered “A real ‘A-Frame’ design” consisting of 4 levels, 2,000 square feet, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths.  This style may have been inspired by Edward’s and Hardrath’s A-Frame type vacation homes along Lake Lanier in northern Georgia.

H.29: Northcrest East Unit 1--October 1966

Northcrest East was planned as one unit with two separate sections.  Unit 1 (H.29), section 1, platted in October 1966, centered along Valleybluff Way and a small portion of Lynnray Drive.  Section 1s homes were completed between 1967 and 1972, with a modern infill home built in 1980.  This plat also includes a lake just east of the development, where the creek runs today.  Section 2 (H.30) was platted in April 1967 and consists of homes along the curvilinear Lynnray Drive, just north of the intersection with Foxford Drive.  Section 2 homes were generally built between 1967 and 1971.  

H.30: Northcrest East Unit 2--April 1967

Howard’s brother Harold “Bud” Hardrath took on the reigns of the business towards the end of Northcrest development and introduced some of the atypical design features, like the clerestory windows you see on many of the homes in Northcrest East. Bud built himself a home on Lynnray Ln and lived there through his retirement, building additional “P & H Split” homes in Stone Mountain, Norcross and Lilburn.

Exotic Northcrest East Ad - Atlanta Journal Constitution

Northcrest is known for having an unusual number of intact modernist, split-level homes as well as the very unique A-Frame construction. Several roads are named after the partner’s kids: Kim Ct and Lori Ln were named after Howard’s children while Lynnray Rd is a combination of Paul’s children Lynn and Ray.

While the plans for all subdivisions were complete by 1967, construction has continued into the 21st century.  Under P&H Home Builders, Hardrath and Edwards constructed their last Northcrest project in 1971, with the building of the Checkmate Apartments (AKA Azalea Ridge Apartment and currently (2024) Parkside Apartments) between the Northcrest East subdivision and Pleasantdale Road.

All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 2004-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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