HDIF Split-Level

3806 Valleybluff Dr - 2016.02.20 - 2016.02.20 GS

Split-Level (376)

The Split-Level is the predominant house type in the district. It features three distinct stories, two stories stacked on top of each other and the third to one side. The single floor is situated between the double floors, creating a half story separation between each floor. The front entry is typically located near the center of the house, on the single level. This design allows for increased square footage without an increased building footprint. It is often considered a spinoff of the Ranch house, but this is not the case.

The massing and scale of the split-levels in Northcrest are consistent throughout the district, although distinct features vary from house to house - in particular the rooflines. Northcrest split-levels feature side gable (3806 Valleybluff Drive, built 1967), front gable (3862 Foxford Drive, built 1967) and split-shed roofs (3428 Archwood Drive, built 1962).

Most of the Northcrest split-level houses feature an attached carport that extends from the front of the house (This is most common in the split-levels in the contemporary style). This projecting roof allows for a design element that is unique to several Northcrest homes: an integrated open pergola along the front of the building, typically near the front entrance (3386 Lynnray Drive, built 1968). There are also split-level houses that feature integrated garages either on the end of the single floor (3438 Heartwood Lane, built 1959) or on the bottom floor of the two story portion (3306 Regalwoods Drive, built 1964).

Click here to view a list of Split-Level homes in Northcrest

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