HDIF Ranch


3438 Summitridge Dr - 2005.03.20

Ranch (135)

The ranch type is a low and long single story house where the space separated on opposite sides of the house with bedrooms on one side and the living room on the other. The most common subtype in the Northcrest neighborhood is the Linear with Clusters, followed by the Half Courtyard, Linear, Compact and Courtyard.


Linear with Clusters:  Bedrooms are clustered at one end.
A linear ranch with a cluster of rooms at one end that projects to the front. The clusters often give it an L-shape with the overall linear form dominating.

  • 3438 Summitridge Drive, built 1960

Half-courtyard: Linear house bent at 90 degrees.
This ranch subtype features a half-courtyard formed by the intersection of two wings of the house. It resembles a linear ranch, but bent 90 degrees in the middle.

  • 3452 Summitridge Drive, built 1960

Linear:  Length is longer than twice the sides at a 2:1 ratio.
This subtype may have small projections and/or recessed elements although the overall massing is of a long and narrow.

  • 3584 Eaglerock Drive, built 1961

Compact:  Length is less than 2 times the sides.
This subtype has a small, simple and appears square in form. The house can be expanded with a carport.

  • 3503 Bowling Green Way, built 1962

Courtyard:  Two ends encircle courtyard, usually at the front.
This subtype has two projections that form a courtyard often in the front facing facade.

  • 397 Hidden Acres Drive, built 1967

Click here to view a list of Split-Level homes in Northcrest


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